Holy Shit, It Worked!

We’re at about 2 hours to go before our departure from Chicago. Can’t believe it — we’ve lived here for nearly a decade. What started out as a crazy idea 20 months ago is now happening. We get to live in a van!
It’s all come together … we sold our condo, saved some funds, sold our boat, got rid of everything we could, put the rest of our stuff in storage, bought a van, quit our jobs, started a blog … all on the first sunny day in Chicago in maybe the last two weeks.
Much, much more to come. Today we smile, be happy, and drive to Wisconsin.
What’s to come?
- We’ll introduce you to our van, Rocky.
- We’ll introduce you to us — Paul and Lisa.
- We’ll talk about what we did to get here … and where we’re going.
- And we’ll figure out what it’s like to free up about 5/7 of our weekly time.