Author: Lisa

Whenever possible, take the scenic route

Whenever possible, take the scenic route

If you’ve got the time, take the scenic route. Better yet, plan to have the time to take the scenic route. When planning your trip, we’d advise avoiding all major highways: the 5s, 80s, 90s, 94s, 15s, 70s of the country. Sure, you can get 

Great Basin National Park: From Underground to the Top of the World in Two Hours

Great Basin National Park: From Underground to the Top of the World in Two Hours

Like Guadalupe National Park, Great Basin National Park is an island in the middle of the desert. The Great Basin desert, to be exact. Great Basin National Park covers part of the Snake Range, a mountain range running close to the Nevada/Utah border, and the 

Driving the Loneliest Road in America: Hwy 50 across Nevada

Driving the Loneliest Road in America: Hwy 50 across Nevada

The Loneliest Road in America: Highway 50, east from Reno straight across Nevada. At least, as straight across Nevada as is possible. You very quickly get into a rhythm on Highway 50. Cross broad, flat valley, climb mountain range, descend mountain range, cross broad, flat 

The best view in Yosemite: the Sentinel Dome-Taft Point loop trail

The best view in Yosemite: the Sentinel Dome-Taft Point loop trail

The most famous view of Yosemite Valley in Yosemite National Park is the vista from Glacier Point. That’s where everyone heads, and you’ve got to see it, but try this first: stop at the Sentinel Dome trailhead and hike the 4.9 mile Sentinel Dome/Taft Point 

Hiking Etiquette (aka Lisa’s Trail Etiquette for Everyone)

Hiking Etiquette (aka Lisa’s Trail Etiquette for Everyone)

Hiking isn’t like walking in the city. In the city, you’re just trying to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible while avoiding eye contact at all times. Sometimes people bump into each other, sometimes they step in dog poop, sometimes 

We finally visit Ridge, my favorite winery

We finally visit Ridge, my favorite winery

When our friend, Ben, worked at a wine store in Chicago, he was always discovering interesting bottles and generously sharing them with us. This is how I had my first taste of Zinfandel from Ridge. I’ll always remember the bottle of Geyserville 2003 (or 2004?): the 

“California Champagne”

“California Champagne”

We first visited the Sonoma and Napa Valleys in 2006 — we loved Sonoma, but Napa, not so much. Anytime we leave a wine region, we feel like we’ve missed tons of great stuff, or we find a favorite wine after the fact. Happily, we 

Highway 101/ Route 1 Live Up To the Hype

Highway 101/ Route 1 Live Up To the Hype

It’s true: driving Highway 101/Route 1 is as awesome as everyone says it is. You could make an entire vacation out of driving the 101 from Seattle to San Francisco (just veer off the 101 on the 1 in northern California). Wait, you should make 

Hiking to the Punta Gorda Lighthouse on the Lost Coast

Hiking to the Punta Gorda Lighthouse on the Lost Coast

Some people call this California’s Lost Coast. I prefer to think of it as the Saved Coast. Plenty of this section of California’s coast has been tied up by ranching and grazing for generations and is closed to public access, but there are also long, 

Camping Recipe: Blue Cheese Sauce

Camping Recipe: Blue Cheese Sauce

One of our favorite treats from our local Chicago corner restaurant was an appetizer of potato chips covered with blue cheese sauce and Tabasco. It was always so indulgent, and it always seemed like something we’d never be able to make at home. But in 

The Wonderful Oregon Coast

The Wonderful Oregon Coast

The Oregon coast is special. In 1967, Oregon passed a bill making the ENTIRE coast public land. Like any legislation, it’s complicated, but Wikipedia sums it up well: The Oregon Beach Bill allows free beach access to everyone. This Bill allows private beach landowners to retain certain 

The Stealth Night

The Stealth Night

When we originally selected our trip vehicle, we were going for inconspicuousness. Just in case…just in case we got in a bind and needed to sleep on a street or at a rest area. Just in case we needed to blend in — in case