Let’s Get Lost in Death Valley

Let’s Get Lost in Death Valley

For our next podcast series, we’re going back – way, way back. We’re calling it Backtracks. This series, we’re reading The White Heart of Mojave, by Edna Brush Perkins, and adding plenty of commentary along the way. Usually, when we’re out on the road, we 

We Have a Podcast! Welcome to Road Tripping in America.

We Have a Podcast! Welcome to Road Tripping in America.

As Paul teased the other day, we are adding a podcast to our media empire this time around. We are so excited to share sounds and stories from the road with you on our new podcast, Road Tripping in America! The podcast will be available 

Retire Early, Retire Often

Retire Early, Retire Often

Well, here we go again. A decade ago, we were prepping for trip #1 — stepping off our career paths and roaming around the US in a minivan. Now we’re on the cusp of trip #2 — we’ve quit our jobs, bought a new vehicle, 

The Ultimate packing list: what you need (and don’t need) to live in a van for a year

The Ultimate packing list: what you need (and don’t need) to live in a van for a year

We’ve unloaded our van and turned it back into a normal passenger vehicle. It’s terrible. It seems so strange to drive around in a normal minivan — I imagine it’s similar to how you’d feel if you dyed your bright blue hair back to black 

The Ride Across (Driving from Chicago to Ithaca in a Penske Truck)

The Ride Across (Driving from Chicago to Ithaca in a Penske Truck)

If you’ve followed this blog for a while, you know that Lisa does something like 98% of the driving. She’s a pro. And she gets carsick when I (reluctantly, of course) volunteer to drive the winding, fun roads. We’ve put 35,000 miles on our van 

Fall in the Adirondacks

Fall in the Adirondacks

Once, I asked my Dad why he and my Mom had decided to live where they did — in the middle of nowhere, upstate New York. He responded: “The Adirondacks.” Our visit this past week reminded me why I was satisfied with that one-word answer.

Britain’s Greatest Culinary Tradition: Sunday Roast

Britain’s Greatest Culinary Tradition: Sunday Roast

I love the idea of Sunday roast. No, not the kind where you berate your supposed friend and mock his achievements (that only happens on Comedy Central), the one where you make a delicious meal with friends and family. That kind of roast. Sunday roast is 

My favorite touristy thing in London: Westminster Abbey

My favorite touristy thing in London: Westminster Abbey

I love cemeteries. Not modern cemeteries so much — they feel too sad, too fresh and recent. I’m happy in old, old cemeteries with elaborate sculptures and tombs and overgrown plantings. Places like Père Lachaise, Montmartre Cemetery, and the Catacombs in Paris, the Unitarian Church’s cemetery 

The best free / cheap things to do in London

The best free / cheap things to do in London

London is expensive. Finding free or cheap things to do is tricky — you’ve got to be creative. At least the majority of the national museums have free admission for their permanent collections, so you can always duck inside on a rainy day. But maybe 

Road Crazies in Kansas

Road Crazies in Kansas

I saw the ship on the horizon and pointed it out to Lisa. Then the shooting started. Tat-tat-ta-ta-tat! I ducked under the dashboard. Lisa swerved. Tat-tat-ta-ta-tat! Goddamn. They were firing at us. Tat-tat-ta-ta-tat! “Speed up, Lisa, speed up!” I yelled. “Put the hammer down!” Tat-tat-ta-ta-tat! “What about 

Falling into canyons at Black Canyon National Park

Falling into canyons at Black Canyon National Park

I keep having this recurring nightmare: Paul and I are standing on the edge of a canyon. One after the other, we fall in. Paul falls in, then I fall in. I fall in, then Paul falls in. Over and over. Sometimes we fall in 

Dinosaur National Monument gives us the perfect desert goodbye

Dinosaur National Monument gives us the perfect desert goodbye

Yes, Dinosaur National Monument has dinosaur bones. The best bones have long been removed and placed in museums, but they’ve left a few in place to illustrate the amazing forces that made these bones find-able in the first place: first, lots of animals and dinosaurs died in