2015 Travel Plans

We have a New Year’s Eve tradition — we plan out our trips for the year. This year, we’re a little foggy on what’s going to go down.
2014 was our first full year back to static corporate life, and we still managed to make it pretty dynamic. We started the year off with a trip to Minneapolis for a rock concert, then a trip to Mexico City with friends.

We followed that with a trip across Wisconsin for a wedding before heading south to Costa Rica for some fun in the rain forests. After that, we spent a couple weeks in California, first LA, then Big Bear. We were lucky enough to get to a Dodgers game. In the fall, we did one last road trip loop in Rocky, our minivan — through the Badlands and Wall Drug, then Custer and Wind Cave and Jewel Cave, then south to Fort Collins and Boulder before turning the corner for home. We went to Omaha somewhere in there, Milwaukee along with Chicago too. We visited family in Wisconsin and New York. And how many weekends did we spend biking on our new home turf, heading out in the morning before finding a place for lunch and a beer before turning around for home? I can’t begin to count them. I know I’m missing things. I just remembered our canoeing adventures. Add those to the list too.

So 2015, we’re ready for you. We’re much better at getting out the door and on the plane than before our road trip. But ready for what?
Well, a concert for one, that’ll lead the year off again. This time in Chicago instead of Minneapolis. We’re excited to take the train.
Then … Eastern Europe? Looks like tickets are cheap to a few spots — Istanbul, Budapest, Split — cheap as in under $800 per. Those are all tempting locales. Originally we were thinking of hitting up Portugal, then Morocco, but tickets would be $1,000 more for each of those, maybe another year the timing will be better.
Before that, we’ll be back in California, LA then San Francisco. I’ve only spent a short amount of time in San Francisco. Lisa’s never been. We’re excited to explore. Hungry for seafood too.
I’d also like to get to Southeast Asia and south of the equator. Maybe we should fly into Bangkok and sail to Jakarta and kill two birds. Not sure if Lisa’d be up for that. She does, however, want to raft down the Green River in Utah.
I’m also really missing beaches. Negative temps and blowing snow are the likely cause of that. And I’m still jealous Lisa’s been to India and I haven’t. Maybe a trip to Goa is in order.
We’ll see.