Grand Tetons Photography: Easier Than We Thought

Grand Tetons Photography: Easier Than We Thought

There are so many awesome photos of the Grand Tetons. They’re amazing mountains. And then there are the ones with that barn, that perfectly shaped and aged bar in the foreground. Others have snow and fog and buffalo as well. There are a lot of fantastic pictures of the park … because it’s fantastically easy to get a good photo. The place is just photogenic. All the beautiful stuff is right there, you just need to point your camera at it. Here are my favorites of the ones I took:

Buffalo, barn, (base of) Tetons.
Buffalo, barn, (base of) Tetons.
Husband getting a shot of either the Tetons or his wife squeezing out a turd while taking a pic from an ever-slightly-lower vantage point.
Husband getting a shot of either the Tetons or his wife squeezing out a turd while taking a pic from an ever-slightly-lower vantage point.


Paul showed incredible restraint in only picking two of his photos from the Tetons. I’m not going to be so humble. Here’s the story of our visit through 14 pictures:

Our first "view" of the Tetons: day two.
Our first “view” of the Tetons: day two.
Color version of Paul's photo. This was our first animal jam since the Smokies and we enjoyed it.
Color version of Paul’s photo. This was our first animal jam since the Smokies and we enjoyed it. This was soon to change.
The mountains looked evil, and then it started snowing.
The mountains looked evil, and then it started snowing.
We sat and ate lunch here and watched at least ten other visitors take the exact same photo.
We sat and ate lunch here and watched at least ten other visitors take the exact same photo.
The mountains were daring us to attempt a hike, but we held off.
The mountains were daring us to attempt a hike, but we held off.
Day three: clear! Mostly.
Day three: clear! Mostly.
Penis Lake: proof that nature has a sense of humor.
Penis Lake: proof that nature has a sense of humor.
The trail we chose to hike.
The trail we chose to hike.
We did find some bear tracks on the trail...but there were no bear sightings.
We did find some bear tracks on the trail…but there were no bear sightings.
Incredible views from the Lupine Meadows trail.
Incredible views from the Lupine Meadows trail.
The Grand Teton. I'd say we climbed 1/10th of the way up the Grand.
The Grand Teton. I’d say we climbed 1/10th of the way up the Grand.
Another look up at the Grand.
Another look up at the Grand.
The clouds finally cleared as we were headed out of the park. Vistas that had been hidden for the past two days suddenly appeared to shock us.
The clouds finally cleared as we were headed out of the park. Vistas that had been hidden for the past two days suddenly appeared to shock us.
Same view as the day before, but sunny!
Same view as the day before, but sunny!