Making a List and Checking it…Later (Podcast S2:E6)

Making a List and Checking it…Later (Podcast S2:E6)

A new episode of the Road Tripping in America podcast is out now! Listen on your favorite podcast app or on In this episode, we share three Wind River, WY stories told by way of the things we saved to Google when back in 

Beers of the Northern Rockies and the Northwest

Beers of the Northern Rockies and the Northwest

Read the stats and we’re a Budweiser nation. Travel around, and it seems like nobody drinks the stuff. Milwaukee and the rest of Wisconsin is a Miller strong-hold that spreads into the surrounding area. Same with Yuengling and the Pennsylvania area and Coors and Colorado. Meanwhile, 

11 More Crazy Yellowstone Pictures

11 More Crazy Yellowstone Pictures

Man, we took a lot of pics in Yellowstone! Here are my favorites — I didn’t get through them fast enough to add to Lisa’s post.

Cooking dinner in a downpour

Cooking dinner in a downpour

It had been raining all day our last day in Yellowstone. Instead of mobbing the trails and geyers, people were hunkered down in the campgrounds, and we weren’t able to get a spot on the west side of the park. So we left the park 

Yellowstone Wildlife, Human Edition

Yellowstone Wildlife, Human Edition

Yellowstone is a zoo without fences. People treat it like a zoo too. They’re crazy here. They’ll walk right up to a buffalo almost, assuming it’s tame, gentle, pet-able. Insanity indeed. Here’s what we saw.

Yellowstone National Park: Beautiful Insanity

Yellowstone National Park: Beautiful Insanity

There’s no place on earth like Yellowstone National Park. I love the smell of sulfur drifting from the geysers, hot springs, and mudpots. I love walking around the geyser basins’ alien landscape. The stinky steam has a calming effect on me, like a spa trip. Which 

Spring Babies in the Tetons and Yellowstone

Spring Babies in the Tetons and Yellowstone

June is spring in the Tetons and Yellowstone. There’s still plenty of snow on the ground and new snow threatens regularly. Night temps dip into the 30s. There are spring flowers, fresh green tips on pine trees, and squirrels shoving as much food into their 

Kelly, WY: J-Hole Adjacent and Wonderful

Kelly, WY: J-Hole Adjacent and Wonderful

Kelly, Wyoming is not a big town. There are only a handful of houses and only a single private business — a coffee shop / store / firewood emporium across the street from the seemingly pointless Post Office. On the Post Office is a bulletin board where 

Old Cooter’s Laundry & Shower Co.

Old Cooter’s Laundry & Shower Co.

“Hey there, young man, got some dirty laundry? Step right up and use one of the machines and Old Cooter’s Laundry & Shower Co. Guaranteed to get your whites whiter and your brights brighter, they are. Yes, sir, they are indeed. We’re a regular Tetons 

Grand Tetons Photography: Easier Than We Thought

Grand Tetons Photography: Easier Than We Thought

There are so many awesome photos of the Grand Tetons. They’re amazing mountains. And then there are the ones with that barn, that perfectly shaped and aged bar in the foreground. Others have snow and fog and buffalo as well. There are a lot of