This is post #301.
Well, we’ve published 300 posts on our blog. #300 fired off this morning — my post about Detroit. Seems like a lot of writing. It’s been a lot of miles — just under 18,000 so far.
We’re 6.5 months into our trip and still loving it. Some days are tough, like yesterday when we were mobbed by insects for the first time and used some of the most disgusting campground bathrooms of the trip (related perhaps), but most days are fun. Each day is a surprise, which is the best part of all. We never really know what’ll happen, like if we follow Google’s directions today will they lead us on an uneventful trip or will they lead us to our demise in the backwoods of the Appalachians, like they nearly did yesterday? Yay, adventure!
Nearly 3,000 people have visited our blog in the last month. That’s insane. Thank you all for reading! We love seeing these numbers grow and hearing from you in the comments.
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More to come, as always, tomorrow.