Three Things That Are Not Litter

Littering, that’s against the law. Unless it’s one of these three things. Then it’s totally cool. Trash it up, man. No worries. The following items are definitely not trash.
Cigarette Butts
Cigarette smokers are the most persecuted people on Earth after white, Christian males. All they want to do is suck the sweet, sweet flavor of nicotine into their lungs. You won’t let them do it indoors. You won’t let them do it in public places. All they have left is the great outdoors, so deal with this, people. Cigarette butts aren’t litter — they’re tiny projectiles of protest. Let’s let them back inside and then let’s fine the fuckers for littering.

Beer Cans
Beer cans are definitely not litter. See, the people drink them while they drive, so they can’t keep them in their cars (open container laws prohibit it). And they’re definitely not going to NOT drink. What did you expect? They line every road we’ve driven. Maybe we’ll start pitching empties too. Let’s ditch the open-container thing and just start enforcing the law — 0.08% and you go behind the grate.

Gun Shells
Gun shells are definitely not litter. Want me to pick them up? You’ll have to put them in my cold, dead hands. I’ve got the right to bear arms, bitches. It’s constitutional. And I’m not about to stoop down like a janitor and pick these up. I’m an American and I have rights, goddamn it.