Lisa’s Been to All 50 States!
As of today, I’ve officially been to all 50 states. Before we started this trip, I had just a few left to go: West Virginia (I don’t count previously driving across the little northern tip as having been there), Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Thanks to our detour to Charleston, we ticked off my last 6 states. As an aside, I do count driving into the tip of Alaska as having been there, but if you want to be a purist, we should get farther into Alaska in July. Paul will hit 50 states on this trip too, if/when we make it to Alaska.
This may or may not be related, but I also finally feel like I have a clear head. Things still annoy me (bad drivers, bugs, being ripped off) but I am feeling overall content. I am getting excited about settling down eventually (thanks to the B-53 house from Tumbleweed). The prospect of working at an actual job doesn’t seem so bad anymore. We’re still planning to pack in (practically) a year’s worth of activity in our next five months on the road, but in the fall, I’m starting to feel like I’ll be ready to establish a little homestead.