Four of Our Favorite Sources of Travel Inspiration
We recommended the movie 180° South to a couple friends the other day … and now they’re considering an extended trip and maybe even a drastic lifestyle change. We couldn’t be happier for them — if they move someplace exotic, it’s one more fun place for us to visit. Here are four of our favorite sources of travel inspiration.
Definitely watch this movie if you feel a little stuck in your current life. Adventure is good; embrace it. And it’s not going to go as you planned it.
Rolf Potts, Vagabonding, @rolfpotts
Vagabonding is a great read and was our introduction into extended, exotic travel.
Tim Ferriss, The 4-Hour Workweek, @tferriss
Premise of the book: take your dream lifestyle, figure out how much it costs, figure out how to earn that money with as little concentrated effort as possible, live dream life, repeat. A great book.
Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire
Edward Abbey was the inspiration for our canyon country road trip honeymoon. Desert Solitaire is amazing.
photo credit: digitizedchaos