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Papaya King and the Tourism Hype Machine

Papaya King and the Tourism Hype Machine

Anthony Bourdain likes Papaya King. Kramer likes Papaya King. Ted from How I Met Your Mother likes Papaya King. Everybody likes Papaya King. But will I like Papaya King? I do like hot dogs. I liked the Mexican hot dogs I had in Tucson. I like 

The Dinnertime Dance in New York

The Dinnertime Dance in New York

It’s dinnertime in New York and we’ve got a plan. We’ll grab a glass of wine at Bar Jamón, then get dinner at either ABC Kitchen or Beecher’s or Cafe Mono. Easy. We jump in a cab and head to Gramercy Park. It’s still a 

The History of the Half Moon / Black and White Cookie

The History of the Half Moon / Black and White Cookie

I grew up eating Half Moon cookies. But I had never had a NYC-style Half Moon cookie (OK, OK: a Black and White cookie) until last weekend. NYC is so good at so many things: bagels, pizza, overwhelming crowds of people. How could it get the 

It’s time to wake up!

It’s time to wake up!

“Get up!” my brain said. “It’s time to wake up!” “Brain,” I said, “it’s 3AM. It’s Monday. Let’s sleep in.” “But I’ve got good ideas NOW,” my brain said. “Remember them for the morning.” “Here’s another one. That’s two good ideas. I’m going to come 

Three New York City Neighborhood Dive Bars

Three New York City Neighborhood Dive Bars

It’s been a while since we visited New York. We’ve missed it. New York is a really great city. Times Square, however, is terrible and crowded. We managed to get stuck walking through Times Square three times even though we were committed to avoiding it. 

Budget for a Road Trip: The Cost of Our Year on the Road

Budget for a Road Trip: The Cost of Our Year on the Road

Life on the road can be expensive, so start thinking about your budget early. When you know how much you need to save, you’ll be less tempted to draw down your savings account balance for goal-hurting purchases. Your budget is going to be unique to 

We Spot the Seneca White Deer

We Spot the Seneca White Deer

We were just driving along, minding our own business, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Looked like a mountain goat. Couldn’t have been a mountain goat. The Finger Lakes region isn’t mountain goat country. “Did you see that?” I asked 

Save Money While on the Road

Save Money While on the Road

Once you’ve saved enough money to take a road trip, how do you make that money last as long as possible? Set a daily budget The first lesson of a daily budget is that you’ll often exceed your daily budget. Our daily goal was to 

Six Business Travel Tips for New Business Travelers

Six Business Travel Tips for New Business Travelers

Business travel, oh business travel. For some, it’s a chance to see the world. For others, it’s a slog to be endured. Most of the time, it’s somewhere between the two extremes. Here are some ideas to make the most of traveling for work: It’s 

What’s my address? Finding a place for your mail during long-term travel.

What’s my address? Finding a place for your mail during long-term travel.

If you’re embarking on a long-term trip and selling your home or moving out of your apartment, you’ll need to find a new destination for your mail. You might be tempted to think that you can go without mail during a long-term trip, but you 

United States of Hot Sauce: Frank’s, Tapatio, and Tabasco

United States of Hot Sauce: Frank’s, Tapatio, and Tabasco

Two regional food things surprised me on the trip: beer and hot sauce. Beer is much more regionally varied than the Bud Light commercials suggest — try getting Kokanee in South Carolina … or Yuengling in Yosemite … or Dixie anywhere outside New Orleans. Same with hot sauces. 

I don’t like your city. Help me get over it.

I don’t like your city. Help me get over it.

We’re still getting flack in the comments on our posts about cities that didn’t resonate with us: Austin, Salt Lake City, Savannah, Provo, the Salton Sea, Portland. The intense anger that others feel, just from knowing that two people — two strangers whom they probably wouldn’t