When It All Goes Wrong

When It All Goes Wrong

I’m sitting on a bed in a disgusting motel room — the most disgusting motel room I’ve ever been in in my life, and I’ve been in my fair share of cheap motels. I’m crying. I feel a little better when I realize that I 

The Master-Planned Experience: Seaside, FL

The Master-Planned Experience: Seaside, FL

I first heard about Seaside, FL in a college course, an intro to intelligent design (as in the kind of design that is well thought-out, not the one supposedly dictated by a deity). The professor was enamored with the town. Years later, I was reminded 

Three Things That Are Not Litter

Three Things That Are Not Litter

Littering, that’s against the law. Unless it’s one of these three things. Then it’s totally cool. Trash it up, man. No worries. The following items are definitely not trash. Cigarette Butts Cigarette smokers are the most persecuted people on Earth after white, Christian males. All they want 

Somebody That We Used To Know

Somebody That We Used To Know

Well, we’ve just wrapped up a big round of friend visits, and each time we were set to see somebody we hadn’t seen in months (or years) it felt a bit odd. I couldn’t help think of Gotye’s song, Somebody That I Used To Know 

Driving Inertia is for sale for … ONE BILLION DOLLARS!

Driving Inertia is for sale for … ONE BILLION DOLLARS!

Things happen in threes, right? Let’s hope! Yesterday, Facebook bought Instagram, a service that takes your rectangular iPhone photos and makes them square. Then it makes them look old-timey and artsy. This service is apparently worth $1 billion. OMG. Meanwhile, Microsoft bought some patents from 

If you’re reading this, our trip is over.

If you’re reading this, our trip is over.

If you’re reading this, something has gone wrong, and our trip is over. Each morning, we schedule this post to publish the next day. Then when we wake, we move it out another day. This post is our insurance, our safety blanket. It wouldn’t have 

The Periodic Cycles Of Our Travels

The Periodic Cycles Of Our Travels

Extended travel is a series of cycles. You don’t just pack, unpack, pack, and fly home. There’s more. We run out of stuff. Things go awry.  Here are the cycles I’ve identified so far. We constantly need to monitor these for our mental health. Otherwise 

6 Things I Don’t Really Miss

6 Things I Don’t Really Miss

We’ve left behind a lot — we’re homeless, address-less, etc. — and living in a van with a platform bed in it. Our old life in Chicago was very, very nice, but I’m surprised at what we can do without. Here’s my list of things 

As It Happens, Time Isn’t Everything

As It Happens, Time Isn’t Everything

Given that we now have all the time in the world, I thought that we’d always be able to do all that we wanted. As I am discovering, though, time is not the only limiter. The factor that’s elbowing in now? Temperature. Last night was 

Goodbye Wisconsin, Hello Again Chicago

Goodbye Wisconsin, Hello Again Chicago

Last week we learned that people in Northern Wisconsin call people from Illinois FIBs — F*&#ing Illinois Bastards. Last night I was working on a post about the Angry Minnow, a brewery in Hayward, WI, when I inadvertently discovered that their website is infected by 

Looks Like Somebody Has a Case of the Mondays

Looks Like Somebody Has a Case of the Mondays

Monday … that’s a work day, right?  It hasn’t sunk in yet that it isn’t.  This Monday, there will be no riding the Brown Line, no $2 coffee at the Merchandise Mart, no elevator rides, badge swiping, revolving doors … no commute.  And no lunch 

From Roscoe Village to Roscoe the Cat

From Roscoe Village to Roscoe the Cat

This morning we woke up in Roscoe Village.  Tonight we’re in Lincoln Square with Roscoe the cat.  He’ll probably sleep under the bed.  That’s where he’s been all night.  He’s not a fan of us invading his space.  Neither is Cookie.  She’s barely left the