Falling into canyons at Black Canyon National Park

Falling into canyons at Black Canyon National Park

I keep having this recurring nightmare: Paul and I are standing on the edge of a canyon. One after the other, we fall in. Paul falls in, then I fall in. I fall in, then Paul falls in. Over and over. Sometimes we fall in 

No Bike Locks in Crested Butte, Colorado

No Bike Locks in Crested Butte, Colorado

Crested Butte isn’t the most accessible town. If you want to arrive via dirt road, you have some options (in the summer). If you want to stick to pavement, you’ve only got one choice — Highway 135, up the valley from the south. Maybe it’s 

Hello to an old friend at Colorado National Monument

Hello to an old friend at Colorado National Monument

I’d made my peace with saying goodbye to the desert at Dinosaur National Monument. Then we made a last minute swing through Colorado National Monument and my composure was shaken; my closure was ruined. You know how it is: you’re moving out of town and 

Now Entering Colorado!

Now Entering Colorado!

Man, I was so excited to be back in Colorado. Even the billboards were excited for us to arrive — “Real beer is worth the drive,” they proclaimed. Soon we’d be able to buy Fat Tire beer, Lisa’s favorite. Our first stop: Dinosaur, Colorado. We checked 

Dinosaur National Monument gives us the perfect desert goodbye

Dinosaur National Monument gives us the perfect desert goodbye

Yes, Dinosaur National Monument has dinosaur bones. The best bones have long been removed and placed in museums, but they’ve left a few in place to illustrate the amazing forces that made these bones find-able in the first place: first, lots of animals and dinosaurs died in 

Returning to Mesa Verde 20ish Years Later

Returning to Mesa Verde 20ish Years Later

I’m unsure now of the chronology of it, but somewhere between Wall Drug, the Corn Palace, and the Four Corners, we visited Mesa Verde on one of the road trips of my childhood. I also remember stopping to visit a friend of my parents in Newport Beach, California. 

The Palaces of Mesa Verde National Park

The Palaces of Mesa Verde National Park

I first visited Mesa Verde as a kid and I loved it. I wasn’t sure it would be worthwhile to return, but we’ve got the time and the campground has free showers, so we decided to go for it. Visiting a place as an adult 

Three Black & White Photos from North of Durango

Three Black & White Photos from North of Durango

These are three of my favorite black and white pictures from the ones I snapped while driving from Durango to Silverton. Evidently I stopped taking pics in Silverton. Good thing Lisa was on the case.

Durango, CO: My Favorite City. Ever.

Durango, CO: My Favorite City. Ever.

I first fell in love with Durango when we visited two and a half years ago on our honeymoon trip. It was my birthday, and we had that kind of epic, wonderful day that can set a place up for disappointment on return visits. This 

Driving Colorado’s San Juan Skyway and the “Million Dollar Highway” or Durango to Cortez the Long Way

Driving Colorado’s San Juan Skyway and the “Million Dollar Highway” or Durango to Cortez the Long Way

If you drive into Durango from the south, you’ll miss a good chuck of its awesomeness. We did just this in 2009, but we still fell in love with the city. This time, we went north along the San Juan Skyway and the “Million Dollar 

I DID know everything as a teenager, Durango is wonderful.

I DID know everything as a teenager, Durango is wonderful.

As a teenager, I was into mountain biking, and the epicenter of the sport was in Durango. Ned Overend and John Tomac, the godfathers mountain biking, lived there. I wanted to live in Durango too. Or Moab (home of the Slickrock Trail, one of the