Things we’ve missed

This isn’t about places we’ve missed — it’s more about the simple things we’ve missed. The things that you take for granted, the things that are there every day, the things that you don’t miss until you don’t have them. On our last night in the van, we thought about the things we were looking forward to having, once we finally had a roof over our heads…
- Drinking cold water out of a clean glass.
- Drinking wine out of a wine glass.
- Bathmats.
- Brushing my teeth with my electric toothbrush.
- A kitchen sink.
- A stove that doesn’t need to be folded up and stowed every night.
- Sitting and/or laying on a couch.
- Taking a shower without wearing flip-flops.
- Windows with screens that don’t fall off when it gets warm.
- Experiencing fall and winter.
Paul has also been hit with a sudden desire to acquire things (dreaming about sports cars, vacation homes, and gadgets) — at least until we visited our storage closet. When we visited our storage closet in Chicago, we were completely overwhelmed. We thought we’d winnowed down to the barest necessities, but it was still too much. We both wondered: where’d all this shit come from?