A Very Google Summer

A Very Google Summer

Well, we certainly Google’d a lot this last year. Every time we found ourselves in a new town, we’d need to figure out where the grocery store was, where the library was, where they sold tacos, etc. Our first source was nearly always Google Maps. Lisa would pilot us into town, while I’d research options on my phone, add a few stars on the map. Our map got to be pretty detailed.

Our map. Got to get to the Dakotas and New England.
Our map. Got to get to the Dakotas and New England.

So add in a few more travelers, multiply that times the world, and you get Google’s summer vacation map. Well, it’s not really a map at all, more of an infographic, but it is amazing. Here’s a snapshot:

Everybody loves Death Valley.
Everybody loves Death Valley.

Yes, the most popular landmark search was for Death Valley National Park. Must have been because of our photos. Here’s a link to the entire thing.