Beam Rye: Utility Whiskey
Maybe it’s the warmer weather, I don’t really know, but I haven’t bought a bottle of whiskey in weeks. My last was a bottle of Jim Beam Rye. We finished it back in Death Valley. The last whiskey I’ve had was a peaty and tasty Scotch in Boise, ID.
Maybe it’s the wine — we’ve had good luck finding good wine deals in California. Or maybe it’s because I’m having a tough time finding (and rationalizing the cost) of something unique and new. Jim Beam was really a budget choice — I’ve had it before. It’s great for Manhattans and rye old-fashions, but we typically lack ice and proper garnishes (I did bring a bottle of bitters), so it’s a bit out of its element if you’re out in the elements.
I’m not sure what’s next. Maybe we’ll stumble onto a distillery in Big Sur. I don’t want to wait until Oregon.